Marko Lisica speaks on Adriatic Valley meetup

About me

I'm a product designer at FileWave currently living in 📍Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Previously, I was working in an agency helping many startups in different industries.

I'm passionate about design systems and interested in bridging gaps between design and engineering, helping to improve the experience for both design and engineering.

My resume

Engaging local design & tech community

In 2021 I was a teacher and mentor to more than 10 young people starting their design careers. In 2022, I've co-founded Adriatic Valley Tech Community together with my friends and colleagues. Adriatic Valley is a community focused on people in tech (software engineering, design, digital marketing, etc.). Sometimes I also talk at events in our local community.

Offline time

When I'm not behind my computer screen, I'm usually working out at the gym, hanging out with my friends, spending time in nature, driving my motorcycle during the summer, and skiing during the winter.

Couple of pictures from my life - work and personal (things I really enjoy)

Riding motorcycle in mountains
Design workshop
Vrbas river and nature
Skiing on Jahorina mountain
Design workshop
Adriatic Valley meetup stage
Adriatic Valley design meetup speakers

Get in touch

If you have any questions or you want to see more information about projects, feel free to reach out to me.